
We Can Handle Just About Anything

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It all comes down to keyword usage, SEO optimization both on-site and off-site, and if you update your website on a regular basis. We can help you improve all metrics and optimize both website and content and by that increase your traffic.

We can help you market your company/ product through search engine optimization, social media content, and email marketing. But when it comes to ads we can only give you advice on what to do. We do what we are good at, and let others good at ads do it better

Yes, we do. We think WordPress is an excellent platform to start from and all our websites are bespoke one-off designs so you can rest assure that yours will be unique.

WordPress drives more than 40% of all websites on the web and is SEO optimized out of the box, we have been using it for all our clients since 2010.

It comes down to what hosting you have chosen. We can help you get a better web host if needed and we will also optimize your website for faster loading times. So yes, sort of

We have +15 years of experience in web design and development and as part of our process we design custom made websites for our clients

We use a strategy that we have perfected over the years and know will work, we will help you set it up so that you can reap what we have perfected.

We have worked with both smaller and bigger clients. 2020 we passed 100 clients served

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